10. If no one can see the skanky blonde but you then she is probably a Cylon. Or you have deep seated mommy issues.
9. The cooler your Greek mythology name is, the more central you are to the plot (Apollo, Athena, ect.) Also, if your name is linked with a popular chain of coffee houses, your probably not a red shirt. (NERDALERT)
8. Crying jags are perfectly acceptable if the lives of millions of people are in danger and you are the CAPTAIN OF THE MOTHERFUCKING SHIP.
7. Starbuck will always think your a fucking...oh, sorry, FRACKING moron
6. Oh, also, if you are a minority character, you're probably a Cylon too.
5. If you are Tahmoh Penikett, you will spend a great deal of time being noble and clenching your jaw. You should probably spend more time with your shirt off.
Just sayin'.
4. If your British and a genius, you should just keep it in your pants, shut the fuck up and make sandwiches. This will keep you from doing DUMB SHIT.
3. If the President has something to say, look up at a fan and put on a rain coat.
2. Don't worry about your show ending, you will always have a guest spot on a Joss Whedon show.
1. The most important thing to remember is that Jamie Bamber needs lots of room to strut around, run his fingers through his suprisingly supple hair and pout.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Monday, November 23, 2009
(500) Days of Summer, Paraphrased.
Voiceover: This is a story of boy meets girl. The boy, Joseph Gordon-Levitts, has a penchant for vests and blazers, and being indier than you. The girl, Zooey Deschanel, has a thing for the color blue, Ringo Starr, and being INDIE and QUIRKY.
Joseph Gordon-Levitt: I'm so indie! I'm trained as an architect but I work at a card company! I sit bored in a meeting, tapping my pen! But..hark! What is this oh so beautiful sight I see before me!
Zooey Deschanel: It is I, Zooey Deschanel! I'm introduced by the PERFUNCTORY ASSHOLE BOSS CHARACTER!
(Later, they are in an elevator. Because nothing is more indie than an elevator.
Joseph Gordon-Levitt: Oh, god. She's standing so close. I've never had a woman's touch before as I look vaguely pre-pubescent despite my hipster facial hair! Focus on Morrisey, damnit!
Zooey Deschanel: The Smiths! Are you also a bleeding heart hipster like me?
JGL: Yes?
Zooey Deschanel: OK! Bye!
(Then there is an INDIE KARAOKE PARTY, and later they all sit at a table drinking INDIE beer)
JGL: I see you are wearing a vest. I appreciate this.
Drunk Friend: Blah blah blah something needed to further the plot blah blah blah.
ZD: I don't have a boyfriend! I am thoroughly disenchanted!
JGL: But I am a hopeless romantic!
ZD: As our relationship must progress in order for the film to go further, I shall kiss you in the copy room!
JGL: Awesome. Let me show you sites around Los Angeles, although it is obviously an idealized version because there are no homeless people talking to soda cans and peeing on walls!
ZD: Yay! Now we're are in some record store, I love Ringo Starr.
JGL: That's so INDIE of you! Lets go to your QUIRKY apartment that would not actually exist in the REAL Los Angeles! And have QUIRKY sex with a slow INDIE song in the backround
ZD: We're in a bar! And a strange man is hitting on me.
ZD: Dude...uncool...
(I, uh, don't really remember what happened in between this part so I'm skipping ahead a bit)
JGL: You're depressed! I know, let's go see The Graduate! It's about true wuv!
ZD:...You're an idiot...
JGL: Paaancaaaaaakes!
ZD: It's over.
JGL: Puppy dog eyes....Sid and Nancy reference....?
ZD: Ugh, if you'll excuse me I have to go use my hamburger phone and have Micheal Cera's baby-
P.A: Psst, wrong QUIRKY/INDIE movie.
Z.D: Oh, sorry.
(Later, there is a wedding and a train!)
Z.D: Well, hi!
J.G.L: I am awkwardly reading a self help book.
Z.D: Would you perhaps like to get a cup of INDIE coffee with me?
J.G.L: Would I!
(Later, there is dancing and REMINISCING and she catches the bouquet!)
Z.D: Come to my party!
(He does, but we, the audience can tell shit is about to go down because an OMINOUSLY INDIE Regina Spektor songs begins to play)
J.G.L: I get drunk and reming the audience of my slight co-dependency issues!
Z.D: I'm engaged to someone distinctly not you!
J.G.L:...You have got to be kidding me.
(He drinks Jack Daniels and eats TWINKIES, which I assume is the male version of ice cream and Terms of Endearment)
J.G.L: What's this? Oh, why, it's a rhythmic INDIE song that motivates me to get out of bed and do what I want to with my life.
Z.D: Uh, hey! It's me again. So, I'm married now and we're resolving the story so the viewer leaves feeling vaguely hopeful.
J.G.L: Cool! Now I will go to a job interview and flirt awkwardly with another applicant AKA Minka Kelly. Dinner?
Minka Kelly: Sure.
J.G.L: What is your name?
Minka Kelly: Autumn!
Joseph Gordon-Levitt: I'm so indie! I'm trained as an architect but I work at a card company! I sit bored in a meeting, tapping my pen! But..hark! What is this oh so beautiful sight I see before me!
Zooey Deschanel: It is I, Zooey Deschanel! I'm introduced by the PERFUNCTORY ASSHOLE BOSS CHARACTER!
(Later, they are in an elevator. Because nothing is more indie than an elevator.
Joseph Gordon-Levitt: Oh, god. She's standing so close. I've never had a woman's touch before as I look vaguely pre-pubescent despite my hipster facial hair! Focus on Morrisey, damnit!
Zooey Deschanel: The Smiths! Are you also a bleeding heart hipster like me?
JGL: Yes?
Zooey Deschanel: OK! Bye!
(Then there is an INDIE KARAOKE PARTY, and later they all sit at a table drinking INDIE beer)
JGL: I see you are wearing a vest. I appreciate this.
Drunk Friend: Blah blah blah something needed to further the plot blah blah blah.
ZD: I don't have a boyfriend! I am thoroughly disenchanted!
JGL: But I am a hopeless romantic!
ZD: As our relationship must progress in order for the film to go further, I shall kiss you in the copy room!
JGL: Awesome. Let me show you sites around Los Angeles, although it is obviously an idealized version because there are no homeless people talking to soda cans and peeing on walls!
ZD: Yay! Now we're are in some record store, I love Ringo Starr.
JGL: That's so INDIE of you! Lets go to your QUIRKY apartment that would not actually exist in the REAL Los Angeles! And have QUIRKY sex with a slow INDIE song in the backround
ZD: We're in a bar! And a strange man is hitting on me.
ZD: Dude...uncool...
(I, uh, don't really remember what happened in between this part so I'm skipping ahead a bit)
JGL: You're depressed! I know, let's go see The Graduate! It's about true wuv!
ZD:...You're an idiot...
JGL: Paaancaaaaaakes!
ZD: It's over.
JGL: Puppy dog eyes....Sid and Nancy reference....?
ZD: Ugh, if you'll excuse me I have to go use my hamburger phone and have Micheal Cera's baby-
P.A: Psst, wrong QUIRKY/INDIE movie.
Z.D: Oh, sorry.
(Later, there is a wedding and a train!)
Z.D: Well, hi!
J.G.L: I am awkwardly reading a self help book.
Z.D: Would you perhaps like to get a cup of INDIE coffee with me?
J.G.L: Would I!
(Later, there is dancing and REMINISCING and she catches the bouquet!)
Z.D: Come to my party!
(He does, but we, the audience can tell shit is about to go down because an OMINOUSLY INDIE Regina Spektor songs begins to play)
J.G.L: I get drunk and reming the audience of my slight co-dependency issues!
Z.D: I'm engaged to someone distinctly not you!
J.G.L:...You have got to be kidding me.
(He drinks Jack Daniels and eats TWINKIES, which I assume is the male version of ice cream and Terms of Endearment)
J.G.L: What's this? Oh, why, it's a rhythmic INDIE song that motivates me to get out of bed and do what I want to with my life.
Z.D: Uh, hey! It's me again. So, I'm married now and we're resolving the story so the viewer leaves feeling vaguely hopeful.
J.G.L: Cool! Now I will go to a job interview and flirt awkwardly with another applicant AKA Minka Kelly. Dinner?
Minka Kelly: Sure.
J.G.L: What is your name?
Minka Kelly: Autumn!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
New Moon Paraphrased
Bella: Woe! Dream sequence in a field! I am old in a mirror! Woe!
Edward: Woe? But I sparkle. Sparke woe?
Bella: Woe! It is my birthday! Woe! My father insists on giving me presents! Woe!
Edward: I shall walk in slow motion towards you. It will incite screams everywhere.
Bella: Lets go to English and read Romeo and Juliet coughthinlyveiledmetaphorcough.
Edward: Ah! Mortality! So fun! So golly!
Bella: Woe!
Cute Little Vampire: Present! Cake! STREAMERS!!!!!
Bella: Papercut. WOE!
Semi-attractive Other Not Edward Vampire: Rawr!
Edward: I shall protect you right into glass table!
Everyone else: Yumrawr?
Semi-Attractive Older Vampire: I fix you!
Bella: Woe! Kiss me!
Edward: Walk, lets?
Bella: Woe....?
Edward: I don't want you. Nyah nyah nyah.
Bella: Woe! I shall follow your retreating figure into the forest. I tripped!
Bella: Months pass! I stare out the window! I scream in my sleep! Such woe.
Dad like person:....whiny little shit.....
Dad like person: Go to Florida!
Bella: No.
Bella: But I have such w-
DLP: Don't say it. I mean, seriously, you don't have friends.
Bella: I do!
Perfunctory Snotty Friend: Blahblah! Nothing important to the plot! Blah!.
Bella: Oh, hey, it's the bikers who tried to rape me last year. I'mma get on his motorcycle:
Perfunctory Snotty Friend:...What?
Bella: I am seeing visions of my vampire ex! I shall now do bad things to see him more!
Bella: Ah! Hello, my long haired pretty face purely platonic friend.
Jacob:...Have you forgotten my name again?
Bella: No! Will you help me rebuild bikes?
Jacob: Will you let me in your pants?
Jacob: Lets do it!
(and we're montaging, and we're montaging. Now they're driving, they're driving)
Bella: Oh no! Those three highly attractive half naked guys just jumped off a cliff. AMBULANCE???
Jacob: Cliff diving! Also, that one keeps giving me lascivious looks.
Bella: I do love me some foreshadowing
(And they're riding the bikes, they're riding the bikes. She sees Edward. She hits her head)
Bella: You're purty.
Jacob: Thanks!
(He won't return her calls. She mopes. She goes to his house)
Bella: You got a tattoo! And you're so ripped! And your hair is so short!
Jacob: Ugh. I have to go run with my half naked gang type thing now.
(Half naked gang walk in unison)
Bella: I smack you!
Half naked dude: Ah hale no!
*Is wolf*
Bella: Snap! I'm running, running, running fast!
*Jacob is now also a wolf. And later, they all get muffins.*
Bella: Hmm. I think it would be fun to go cliff diving.
(Authors note: It was at this point that I threw an empty bunch a crunch box at the screen and screamed: "You dumb fucking....GAFGBSF!!!")
Little Vampire Girl: Oh hai! I'm back! You're supposed to be dead!
Bella: Nah.
LVG: Oh, well Sparkles McWhinerson thinks you are and he's going to ask the *EVILBADEVIL* people to kill him.
Bella: To Italy!
(They have somehow gotten a yellow Porsche, and changed wardrobes)
Bella: Woe! I must push my way through *SYMBOLIC* people in red cloaks and run through a fountain to keep my beloved from sparkling!
Edward: God, I'm hot. I'm going to unbutton my shirt sloooooooooooooowly.
Edward: Oh...hey! Luff!
Bella: Luff!
EVIL Vampire: Chat?
Edward: If we must. However, I insist on going shirtless.
Dakota Fanning: Must. Be. More. Famous. Than. Miley. Cyrus.
(They have a lovely, modern elevator.)
Evil British Vampire: HellLLLLooooooOOOOOO.
Edward: Hey.
Evil British Vampire: No, no. HELLooooooOOOOO. Do it sexy! We're in Rome!
Dakota Fanning: Must. Get. Teen. Choice. Award.
Edward: Oh, btw, Evil British Vampire can read your EVERY THOUGHT EVER with ONE MEASLY TOUCH.
Evil British Vampire: Ohhh, yes. Edward you've been a veeeeery naughty boy.
Evil British Vampire: Oh, yes. Right. Drama. Um. Turn her in to a vampire...rawr....ahhh, this is effort. Can I have a crumpet? A brandy, perhaps?
Little Cute Vampire: OK!
(They go home)
Bella: Let's vote!
Pretty Blonde Vampire: No...but I have a legitimate reas-
Everyone else-SHHHH. YES!
Jacob: Woe.
The Audience: Oh, not you too.
Edward: Woe? But I sparkle. Sparke woe?
Bella: Woe! It is my birthday! Woe! My father insists on giving me presents! Woe!
Edward: I shall walk in slow motion towards you. It will incite screams everywhere.
Bella: Lets go to English and read Romeo and Juliet coughthinlyveiledmetaphorcough.
Edward: Ah! Mortality! So fun! So golly!
Bella: Woe!
Cute Little Vampire: Present! Cake! STREAMERS!!!!!
Bella: Papercut. WOE!
Semi-attractive Other Not Edward Vampire: Rawr!
Edward: I shall protect you right into glass table!
Everyone else: Yumrawr?
Semi-Attractive Older Vampire: I fix you!
Bella: Woe! Kiss me!
Edward: Walk, lets?
Bella: Woe....?
Edward: I don't want you. Nyah nyah nyah.
Bella: Woe! I shall follow your retreating figure into the forest. I tripped!
Bella: Months pass! I stare out the window! I scream in my sleep! Such woe.
Dad like person:....whiny little shit.....
Dad like person: Go to Florida!
Bella: No.
Bella: But I have such w-
DLP: Don't say it. I mean, seriously, you don't have friends.
Bella: I do!
Perfunctory Snotty Friend: Blahblah! Nothing important to the plot! Blah!.
Bella: Oh, hey, it's the bikers who tried to rape me last year. I'mma get on his motorcycle:
Perfunctory Snotty Friend:...What?
Bella: I am seeing visions of my vampire ex! I shall now do bad things to see him more!
Bella: Ah! Hello, my long haired pretty face purely platonic friend.
Jacob:...Have you forgotten my name again?
Bella: No! Will you help me rebuild bikes?
Jacob: Will you let me in your pants?
Jacob: Lets do it!
(and we're montaging, and we're montaging. Now they're driving, they're driving)
Bella: Oh no! Those three highly attractive half naked guys just jumped off a cliff. AMBULANCE???
Jacob: Cliff diving! Also, that one keeps giving me lascivious looks.
Bella: I do love me some foreshadowing
(And they're riding the bikes, they're riding the bikes. She sees Edward. She hits her head)
Bella: You're purty.
Jacob: Thanks!
(He won't return her calls. She mopes. She goes to his house)
Bella: You got a tattoo! And you're so ripped! And your hair is so short!
Jacob: Ugh. I have to go run with my half naked gang type thing now.
(Half naked gang walk in unison)
Bella: I smack you!
Half naked dude: Ah hale no!
*Is wolf*
Bella: Snap! I'm running, running, running fast!
*Jacob is now also a wolf. And later, they all get muffins.*
Bella: Hmm. I think it would be fun to go cliff diving.
(Authors note: It was at this point that I threw an empty bunch a crunch box at the screen and screamed: "You dumb fucking....GAFGBSF!!!")
Little Vampire Girl: Oh hai! I'm back! You're supposed to be dead!
Bella: Nah.
LVG: Oh, well Sparkles McWhinerson thinks you are and he's going to ask the *EVILBADEVIL* people to kill him.
Bella: To Italy!
(They have somehow gotten a yellow Porsche, and changed wardrobes)
Bella: Woe! I must push my way through *SYMBOLIC* people in red cloaks and run through a fountain to keep my beloved from sparkling!
Edward: God, I'm hot. I'm going to unbutton my shirt sloooooooooooooowly.
Edward: Oh...hey! Luff!
Bella: Luff!
EVIL Vampire: Chat?
Edward: If we must. However, I insist on going shirtless.
Dakota Fanning: Must. Be. More. Famous. Than. Miley. Cyrus.
(They have a lovely, modern elevator.)
Evil British Vampire: HellLLLLooooooOOOOOO.
Edward: Hey.
Evil British Vampire: No, no. HELLooooooOOOOO. Do it sexy! We're in Rome!
Dakota Fanning: Must. Get. Teen. Choice. Award.
Edward: Oh, btw, Evil British Vampire can read your EVERY THOUGHT EVER with ONE MEASLY TOUCH.
Evil British Vampire: Ohhh, yes. Edward you've been a veeeeery naughty boy.
Evil British Vampire: Oh, yes. Right. Drama. Um. Turn her in to a vampire...rawr....ahhh, this is effort. Can I have a crumpet? A brandy, perhaps?
Little Cute Vampire: OK!
(They go home)
Bella: Let's vote!
Pretty Blonde Vampire: No...but I have a legitimate reas-
Everyone else-SHHHH. YES!
Jacob: Woe.
The Audience: Oh, not you too.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
10 Actors I'd Watch in anything.
10. Micheal C. Hall
OK. So I have a confession to make. See, Micheal C. Hall narrated a documentary called Mystery of the Freemasons. Not that Freemasons aren't interesting but see, it was around three in the morning and I was exhausted. But I watched it all the way through, just because of that voice. He's completely brilliant in Six Feet Under where he plays a man struggling with his sexuality and Dexter, where he kills people.

9. John Cusack
This may in fact be a lie. I probably will not be seeing 2012.
Redeem yourself with Hot Tub Time Machine, Cusak. Your on thin ice.

8. Amy Adams
That hair! Those dimples! I mean I actually got over my Patrick Dempsey bias too see Enchanted, but by far her performance in Junebug, which was tragically fragile and naive solidified my adoration of her.

7. Reese Witherspoon
Witherspoon has continually showed her acting chops, in movies ranging from the comedic Legally Blonde to the wrenching Rendition. Watch her in Election where she plays the sinister Tracey Flick, and you'll know this little blonde is a serious actress.
As Elle Woods would say, I rest my case.

6. Eli Wallach
The man is 90 and still working. While he now plays only Adorable Old Jewish Man, he rocks it like he would have 50 years ago.

5. Christina Hendricks
She delivers ever line with cool wit yet still manages to play the kind of vunerablity that makes you tear up.

4. George Clooney
I would watch this man sit and string beads for two hours. Of course, he's not only a talented actor, but he's also a producer and director. I can't wait to see Up in the Air, where he plays a charmingl-y disconnected man,

3. Zooey Deschanel
Those eyes! That quirk! Seriously though, she's an extremely talented actress with an inate talent for making you sympathize with. In Winter Passing (a really fabulous movie if you haven't seen it) she plays a completely broken person who, in addition to being a coke head drowns a kitten. And I almost felt sorry for her,.

2. Jude Law
Jude Law, whose filmography includes Wilde and I Heart Huckabees, gives a wonderful performance, whether he's a widower or Watson.
(Do you know how hard I worked to come up with that alliteration?)

And for the number one actor I'd watch in anything *drumroll**drumroll**
1. Gael Garcia Bernal
No, really, anything. Seriously. As I write I'm watching Dot the I, which continually assaults my brain with foolishness. He's played Che Guevara andwas also in the fabulous Y Tu Mama Tambien and showed great range in the subtle yet tragic Science of Sleep.
Plus, those cheekbones could cut through the worst of plots.
Ba dump bump.

OK. So I have a confession to make. See, Micheal C. Hall narrated a documentary called Mystery of the Freemasons. Not that Freemasons aren't interesting but see, it was around three in the morning and I was exhausted. But I watched it all the way through, just because of that voice. He's completely brilliant in Six Feet Under where he plays a man struggling with his sexuality and Dexter, where he kills people.

9. John Cusack
This may in fact be a lie. I probably will not be seeing 2012.
Redeem yourself with Hot Tub Time Machine, Cusak. Your on thin ice.

8. Amy Adams
That hair! Those dimples! I mean I actually got over my Patrick Dempsey bias too see Enchanted, but by far her performance in Junebug, which was tragically fragile and naive solidified my adoration of her.

7. Reese Witherspoon
Witherspoon has continually showed her acting chops, in movies ranging from the comedic Legally Blonde to the wrenching Rendition. Watch her in Election where she plays the sinister Tracey Flick, and you'll know this little blonde is a serious actress.
As Elle Woods would say, I rest my case.

6. Eli Wallach
The man is 90 and still working. While he now plays only Adorable Old Jewish Man, he rocks it like he would have 50 years ago.

5. Christina Hendricks
She delivers ever line with cool wit yet still manages to play the kind of vunerablity that makes you tear up.

4. George Clooney
I would watch this man sit and string beads for two hours. Of course, he's not only a talented actor, but he's also a producer and director. I can't wait to see Up in the Air, where he plays a charmingl-y disconnected man,

3. Zooey Deschanel
Those eyes! That quirk! Seriously though, she's an extremely talented actress with an inate talent for making you sympathize with. In Winter Passing (a really fabulous movie if you haven't seen it) she plays a completely broken person who, in addition to being a coke head drowns a kitten. And I almost felt sorry for her,.

2. Jude Law
Jude Law, whose filmography includes Wilde and I Heart Huckabees, gives a wonderful performance, whether he's a widower or Watson.
(Do you know how hard I worked to come up with that alliteration?)

And for the number one actor I'd watch in anything *drumroll**drumroll**
1. Gael Garcia Bernal
No, really, anything. Seriously. As I write I'm watching Dot the I, which continually assaults my brain with foolishness. He's played Che Guevara andwas also in the fabulous Y Tu Mama Tambien and showed great range in the subtle yet tragic Science of Sleep.
Plus, those cheekbones could cut through the worst of plots.
Ba dump bump.

Friday, September 11, 2009
The Glee Drinking Game
Take a drink everytime Schuester looks earnest.
Take a drink everytime Finn says something that almost sounds sincere
Take a drink everytime you can tell their lip-synching
Take a drink everytime the guidance counselor cleans something
Take a drink everytime the cheerleaders are shown
Take a drink everytime someone throws something in Rachel's face
Take a drink everytime Sue looks vaguely homicidal.
Take a drink everytime Schuester's wife wants something.
Take a drink everytime there is a dance number/or someone sings.
Take a drink everytime Finn says something that almost sounds sincere
Take a drink everytime you can tell their lip-synching
Take a drink everytime the guidance counselor cleans something
Take a drink everytime the cheerleaders are shown
Take a drink everytime someone throws something in Rachel's face
Take a drink everytime Sue looks vaguely homicidal.
Take a drink everytime Schuester's wife wants something.
Take a drink everytime there is a dance number/or someone sings.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Somewhere Over the Rainbow, Bryan Fuller Will Have a Succesful TV Show
After Pushing Daisies was canceled I went to a bad place. Every Wednesday, I sat in front of my blank TV screen and cried. I stopped showering, the drinking got pretty bad...and I developed a little cough syrup problem.
Now, I've since recovered. You know, I entered a nine step program. And now, maybe, my recovery can be complete. Because, as reported by...well, a lot people, Bryan Fuller (Pushing Daisies, Wonderfalls, Heroes) and Bryan Singer are working on a television adaptation of the book Sellevision (I read half of it, but then I got distracted).
Basically, Sellevision is about the inner workings of a home shopping network.
I hereby nominate Lee Pace, who's worked with Fuller before on Wonderfalls and Pushing Daisies, as Max Andrews, who is fired after revealing his package on TV. Maybe John Krasinski, but he's *a little* busy with The Office. Sellevision will air on NBC, in a date TBD.
Oh, and here's a dose of Hot Pace Salsa:
Now, I've since recovered. You know, I entered a nine step program. And now, maybe, my recovery can be complete. Because, as reported by...well, a lot people, Bryan Fuller (Pushing Daisies, Wonderfalls, Heroes) and Bryan Singer are working on a television adaptation of the book Sellevision (I read half of it, but then I got distracted).
Basically, Sellevision is about the inner workings of a home shopping network.
I hereby nominate Lee Pace, who's worked with Fuller before on Wonderfalls and Pushing Daisies, as Max Andrews, who is fired after revealing his package on TV. Maybe John Krasinski, but he's *a little* busy with The Office. Sellevision will air on NBC, in a date TBD.
Oh, and here's a dose of Hot Pace Salsa:

Sunday, September 6, 2009
Fall Show Drinking Game (The Office Edition)
Take a drink everytime Jim shrugs at the camera.
Take a drink everytime Pam is seen in a cardigan
Take a drink everytime Dwight says fact
Take a drink everytime Dwight says 'question' *Credit to Izzy
Take a drink everytime Micheal says something inappropriate.
Take a drink everytime Angela says something judgmental
Take a drink everytime Kelly says like *note, this can lead to serious alcohol poisoning*
Take a drink everytime Micheal says something innapropriate to Ryan.
Take a drink everytime Ryan looks uncomfortable
Take a drink everytime Bob Vance is mentioned.
Take a drink everytime the warehouse is shown.
Take a drink everytime Jim pulls a prank
Take a drink everytime Pam is seen in a cardigan
Take a drink everytime Dwight says fact
Take a drink everytime Dwight says 'question' *Credit to Izzy
Take a drink everytime Micheal says something inappropriate.
Take a drink everytime Angela says something judgmental
Take a drink everytime Kelly says like *note, this can lead to serious alcohol poisoning*
Take a drink everytime Micheal says something innapropriate to Ryan.
Take a drink everytime Ryan looks uncomfortable
Take a drink everytime Bob Vance is mentioned.
Take a drink everytime the warehouse is shown.
Take a drink everytime Jim pulls a prank
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