Monday, August 10, 2009

Fall Show Drinking Games: Dollhouse

The fall season is coming, which means season and series are starting again.
So I've made drinking games for my favorite shows. First up, Dollhouse!

Take a drink every time Echo looks around vacantly

Take a drink every time Boyd or Dr. Saunders looks vaguely disgruntled

Take a drink every time the little Asian intern gets Topher food.

Take a drink every time Topher quips.

Take a drink every time Alpha is mentioned

Take a drink every time Ballard looks conflicted.

Take a drink every time Echo, Sierra and Victor eat lunch together.

Take a drink every time DeWitt raises her eyebrow.

Take a drink every time Topher is seen in the lab

Take a drink every time Dr. Saunders gives Topher a disdainful look.

Take a drink every time Topher makes a quip at an innapropriate time.

Take a drink every time Victor ogles Sierra.

(I take no responsibilty for any alcohol poisoning)

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