Sunday, May 17, 2009

Candy Girl

So I just bought Diablo Cody's book "Candy Girls: A Year in the Life of an Unlikely Stripper." today...and I finished it today too.
Ms. Cody details her year in the sex industry, not only as a stripper, but also as a live nude model and a sex phone operator. I thoroughly enjoyed the book, in large part because Cody's wit sparkles through what could be a routine tale about alt girl turned stripper.
Cody is so upfront and balls out (literally) about her experiences that you feel almost voyeuristic reading. In one scene, a fellow nude model unabashedly details to Cody her experience as a hooker. Its things like this, the in your face honesty, that sets the story apart.
Now, I'm a huge fan of Cody's screenplays. Juno had me practically on the floor, and the same pop savvy wit pops up in her book. While trying to describe the pains strippers go to to avoid a certain look she quips: "In direct opposition of the Swayze Mandate of 1987, everyone puts baby in a goddamned corner" Such sardonic wit wins mad points in my book.
Some feminists disdain appears towards the end of her book, but Cody remains other wise un-judgmental, and both reader and author get a happy ending bought with singles.

Solid A+

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