Friday, May 29, 2009

A delayed reaction to Prop. 8

I was traveling when I heard the news and didn't have access to a computer to post immediately:

It really saddens me that Prop. 8 has passed. It angers me, and, quite frankly, it makes me ashamed to be from California. I try to reason with why it passed, but it all just seems ludacrious to me.
One of the big issues with me is the “sanctity of marriage” bullshit. The sanctity of marriage was destroyed when the ability to get a drive through marriage came about. Marriage originated as a business transaction between two families, and then as a way to pass ownership of a woman from one man to another. It’s only in recent history that people have married for love. Some argue that allowing same-sex marriages is against God’s will. Well, I’m not religious, but didn’t God say love your neighbor? What happens if you’re neighbors gay. Also, shellfish! Aren’t you not allowed to eat shellfish? Or wear poleyester. Poleyester is a sin. So, all of y’all in your poleyester “Save the Children” “God Forbid We Catch the Gay” T-shirts? Yeah, you’re pissing god off too.
My theory is that these people, who use God as their arguments are afraid. They’re afraid because they don’t understand, and the unknown is scary. I acknowledge this. Thats is why I only shop at four stores. But fear turning in to hate is not OK. Thats what Prop. 8 is. It’s law sanctioned hate.

I’m not gay but many of my closests friends are. My best friend, who I love dearly, is the leader of her GSA and is in a loving relationship with an amazing girl. As angry as I am, I can’t begin to fathom what she’s feeling right now.
Eventually, gays and lesbians will get the right to marry. I know it, the LGBT community knows it, the conservatives know it, the people who voted yes on 8 know it. Everyone knows. Now it’s just a matter of when.


  1. *applauds* Freaking bravo. You're the most awesome kid on the planet. And not just because you're mine.
