Friday, September 11, 2009

The Glee Drinking Game

Take a drink everytime Schuester looks earnest.

Take a drink everytime Finn says something that almost sounds sincere

Take a drink everytime you can tell their lip-synching

Take a drink everytime the guidance counselor cleans something

Take a drink everytime the cheerleaders are shown

Take a drink everytime someone throws something in Rachel's face

Take a drink everytime Sue looks vaguely homicidal.

Take a drink everytime Schuester's wife wants something.

Take a drink everytime there is a dance number/or someone sings.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Somewhere Over the Rainbow, Bryan Fuller Will Have a Succesful TV Show

After Pushing Daisies was canceled I went to a bad place. Every Wednesday, I sat in front of my blank TV screen and cried. I stopped showering, the drinking got pretty bad...and I developed a little cough syrup problem.
Now, I've since recovered. You know, I entered a nine step program. And now, maybe, my recovery can be complete. Because, as reported by...well, a lot people, Bryan Fuller (Pushing Daisies, Wonderfalls, Heroes) and Bryan Singer are working on a television adaptation of the book Sellevision (I read half of it, but then I got distracted).

Basically, Sellevision is about the inner workings of a home shopping network.
I hereby nominate Lee Pace, who's worked with Fuller before on Wonderfalls and Pushing Daisies, as Max Andrews, who is fired after revealing his package on TV. Maybe John Krasinski, but he's *a little* busy with The Office. Sellevision will air on NBC, in a date TBD.

Oh, and here's a dose of Hot Pace Salsa:

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Fall Show Drinking Game (The Office Edition)

Take a drink everytime Jim shrugs at the camera.

Take a drink everytime Pam is seen in a cardigan

Take a drink everytime Dwight says fact

Take a drink everytime Dwight says 'question' *Credit to Izzy

Take a drink everytime Micheal says something inappropriate.

Take a drink everytime Angela says something judgmental

Take a drink everytime Kelly says like *note, this can lead to serious alcohol poisoning*

Take a drink everytime Micheal says something innapropriate to Ryan.

Take a drink everytime Ryan looks uncomfortable

Take a drink everytime Bob Vance is mentioned.

Take a drink everytime the warehouse is shown.

Take a drink everytime Jim pulls a prank